Hong Kong

A Memorable Journey: Exploring Hong Kong and Macau with Ian


In the year 2000, my professional endeavors led me to embark on a two-week journey to Hong Kong and mainland China.

Little did I know that this trip would not only be defined by business meetings and work responsibilities but also by the unforgettable experiences shared with my interpreter, Ian. Join me as I recount the highlights of my adventure, from exploring the hidden gems of Hong Kong’s side streets to the unexpected twist of fate in Macau.

Discovering Hong Kong Beyond Tourist Routes

During my time in Hong Kong, Ian became not just my interpreter but also my guide to the lesser-known corners of this bustling metropolis. With his fluency in Mandarin and Cantonese and his intimate knowledge of the city, he led me through the labyrinthine side streets, offering glimpses into the authentic local life that often eludes tourists. From bustling markets to serene temples, each corner revealed a new facet of Hong Kong’s rich cultural tapestry.

Capturing Memories with Ian’s Guidance

As we ventured through the streets of Hong Kong, I captured the essence of our journey through the lens of my camera. The photo album I compiled serves as a visual testament to both the areas where I worked and the hidden treasures Ian unveiled during our explorations. Each snapshot immortalizes moments of connection and discovery, serving as cherished mementos of our time together.

A Tale of Unexpected Generosity in Macau

One of the most memorable chapters of my journey unfolded in Macau, where Ian convinced me to explore the historic sites and vibrant atmosphere of this unique enclave. However, what began as a leisurely excursion took an unexpected turn when I realized my passport and wallet were missing. Panic set in as I contemplated the daunting prospect of being stranded in a foreign land.

Ian’s words of reassurance offered a glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainty. He shared with me a local belief that theft only occurs during holidays when pressure mounts on men to bestow gifts. With newfound determination, we retraced our steps to the fountain near St. Paul’s Wall, where I had taken a quick picture earlier. To my disbelief and relief, both my wallet and passport had been miraculously returned and placed on the wall of the fountain.


My journey to Hong Kong and Macau was an unforgettable blend of work, exploration, and serendipitous encounters. Through the guidance of Ian, I gained not only a deeper understanding of the local culture and customs but also a newfound appreciation for the resilience and generosity of the people I encountered along the way. As I reflect on this transformative experience, I am reminded that sometimes, the most memorable adventures are those that unfold unexpectedly, leaving an indelible imprint on the heart and soul.

If you see a photo that you’d like to utilize for personal use, contact Pat for more details.

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